Sunday, October 16, 2016

Now thats a shingling!

Well, the school holidays came and as usual I had a project I really wanted to finish. These holidays the focus was on finishing the front. There are a few things to do but I really wanted to get the last decking board down and shingle the panels. I had a vision how i would like it too look and I am glad to say it turned out better than i expected. I am pretty chuffed with the end result. Still need a capping board to cover the top row of nails but I'll get to that later. 

I wasn't sure if I should even bother with wall wrap but it is what i put everywhere else... so why not. Later i discovered that in America they have the wall wrap and tar paper over the top of the ply board.  
12mm Ply..

Last board down... now the shoes will stop disappearing under the deck... hope we get them all before I covered it
Lots of shingles. I used up 500 shingles and discarded 500. They are from the roof of the shed when I had the roof redone. They are about 50 years old. I still have a heap left. 

I had to wire brush the front and back of each one. 
Griffin helped a lot during the build. He came and helped me each day. It was great bonding with him. 

Griffin was not the only one to help : )

Heather helping me decide on the height of the light. 

Ta da!!!!