Saturday, January 2, 2016


Well the hallway has been a bit of a saga. After installing the plaster board sheets I went to join them and find out that the plasterboard sheets were manufactured with one of there recesses non existent! So I then put in a manufactures claim and 4 or so months later they came and replace them... so four months lost and no advancements made on the hallway. Finally towards the end of 2015 I was able to  get stuck into the joining of the plaster, painting and the roof. Poor Heather and the family had to put up with the scaffold in the hallway for months! Next will be the floor....

you can see the bottom sheet of plaster has only a minimal gap and a hump where the top is as I would expect. 
It meant when I plastered it the tape was exposed at the bottom. 
Re sheeted and roof battened up.  


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