Hello everyone! I had a terrific week. One of my best mates flew in from Melbourne just to help me build for 3 days, what a champion! Well with a lot of laughter and pastry we managed to get a lot done....

Needed to string line the collar ties so they look straight... if anyone bothers to look that is..
Me installing the new collar ties
Strapping the eave ties
A tense moment, Ryan removing the first collar tie... a bit of an anti climax, nothing happened
The final product. 6 ties removed and 3 raised and put on every second rafter.
Opens up the view for when the future window is put in...
Is that me vacuuming the roof! Hated that job.... After the shingles were removed it left the roof covered in dust, and rats and bat nests so on heathers request we cleaned all the insulation up and vacuumed.
You probably cannot see it but Ryan and I also raised the house and put some aluminium damp course under the bottom sill all ready for tie downs! Was a lot harder than I thought it would be.
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