Introducing the most exciting thing i have built in a while..... scaffolding. You might ask why? Well it is simple:
1) Cost $5 to build, as i used recycled timber from the demolition of the front, instead of $250 per day to hire scaffolding.... and thousands of dollars that I would have needed to hire it for an extended time.
2) I now have a safe play to work 1m, 2m and 3m off the ground instead of a rickety ladder.
3) It has solved a lot of my "how the heck am I to get that high up to fix that with out killing myself?" questions...
4) I have also found other uses for it beside that for which i initially built it for...
5) The platform has three positions 1m, 2m and 3m which is a simple slide it out and slide it in system, no pulling it apart.
6) It only needs 6 bolts to pull it down and move it.
All in all I am pretty stoked.